The world’s newest Special Forces Association Chapter is SFAC-D “500”, which is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. It’s the only chapter in the State and up and running thanks to the organizational efforts of now President, Jeremy Miller, and Vice President John Spanogle. The COVID-19 outbreak has put a damper on our meetings and slowed our plans for other events early this year, but we’re undaunted and getting ready for action later in 2020. We’re letting the wider community know about us, and what current and former members of the Regiment are up to in the great State of Indiana.
As we build our chapter’s funding, we will support charitable organizations like The Special Operations Warriors Foundation, Transitional Living Services for Veterans, and The Green Beret Foundation. We also plan to eventually have a scholarship program, and assist our Special Forces members and their families in times of need. The chapter is preparing for some unique fund-raising events that will be open to the public, like shooting range outings with the Green Berets…COVID-19 permitting. Of course, there’s always MOPP4! Did we even have masks in Group?

Photo – Group Photo of the attendees of the Charter Meeting of SFA Chapter 500 at Hotel Tango Distillery, Indianapolis (Dec ‘19). Jeremy Miller, Chapter President is far left. John Spanogle, VP 3rd from the left. Far right is Ken Hurst, Secretary, 3rd from the right is Adam Jennings, PMO, and 4th from the right is Shane St. John, Treasurer.
Our members, their Magnolias, and other associates also intend to provide great training and other types of support to A/2/20 SFG(A), which is based in Indiana. We want to support any Special Forces units making use of the excellent training facilities available in the Hoosier State, like Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center and the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center. We believe our chapter and the State have a lot to offer the Special Forces community, and we are proud to a part of the greater Special Forces Association and the 1st Special Forces Regiment.